My religious upbringing was based on the one and only,
Christian Bible. My Southern Baptist, and later my Methodist experiences, were
similar by the use of the same Bible as the basic handbook and curriculum
guide. As my community exposure and horizons expanded, I was to learn that many
of the Faiths around me also used the same book, but with differing results.
Thus began the origin of my quest.
Eventually, questions regarding conflicting information and
supernatural events contained in the Bible, moved me to my own study of who, how
and when these stories were written, collected and compiled to produce a book the
entire Christian world is based upon.
During the period of history when the Bible was supposed to
have been written, most of the population in the world was illiterate. Many of Jesus’
Apostles and Disciples probably could not read or write well enough to record
information and stories attributed to them. Scribes were an honorable and a
much needed profession in performing tasks of reading and writing for 95
percent of the population in all of the cultures living around the
Mediterranean, and beyond.
Old Testament stories existed in an oral tradition for
hundreds of years before they were ever recorded by people who were literate
enough to do so. Most of the Old
Testament, the Torah, as we know it today, was not written by Moses, but by
Jewish Captives after the destruction of the Temple by the Babylonian invasion.
The New Testament books and stories were not written until
50 to 100 years after Jesus died, and, for the most part, not written by the people
whose names were used as their titles. Almost
all of these stories were written by unknown persons who were not first-hand
witnesses to events recorded. Paul, one of the most prolific writers of New
Testament literature, did not witness any of Jesus’ life. Luke collected all of his material for the two
books credited to his authorship, through the oral tradition. He too, was not a
witness to the Life and times of Jesus. This alone should raise enough questions
concerning the traditional orthodoxy and practice of placing all of your religious eggs in one basket.
concerning the traditional orthodoxy and practice of placing all of your religious eggs in one basket.
The second condition that existed which raises questions
concerning the legitimacy of information contained in the Single Christian
Handbook, is the method and when it was compiled.
The United States Declaration of Independence (1776) and the
Constitution (1787) upon which this country was founded were written before we
became a new country. Since then we have expanded from a young country located
along the Atlantic seaboard with a population of approximately 2.3 million, to
a current population of 319 million which has spread across the continent.
At the time of Jesus’ death, there were very few devoted followers
or disciples forming what has been described as “churches” (a secular Greek term
Paul used to describe groups of Christ Followers). Before this period in history there were no
religious “churches,” there were only grand edifices with towering granite
pillars, Monoliths, Temples, Tabernacles, etc., erected to a myriad of Gods. Three hundred years later, a longer period
than the United States has even existed, there were numerous underground groups
of Christ Followers gathering in homes, stables, caves, throughout the Roman
Empire. Each group possessed their own oral
stories and scraps of letters and documents from questionable sources, which contained
information that was presumed to be about the legendary Jesus.
Not all of these “churches” were religious, many were groups
of zealots believing that Jesus had been encouraging a secret revolutionary movement
that was always seething just beneath the social surface, a reincarnated King
David to overthrow the occupying Roman Empire to restore Israel to its former
glory. Many of the people who lined roadside
when Jesus road into Jerusalem on a donkey were zealots hoping for a sign that
would lead them in the overthrow of the Roman occupation of Israel. Consequently,
there was a great deal of friction and quarreling between these many groups,
not only over the intentions of the man Jesus, but over the authenticity of the
letters and documents each group possessed. Paul, in his numerous letters to the gentile groups
he had establish, continually warned of interfering and meddling “groups” Jews
and other sects who would attempt to change the instructions and practices he
had taught them.
Many of the Christ-Follower groups were involved in physical
confrontations not only with each other, but with the occupying Roman Legions, which
made the reigning emperor nervous that these conflicts could easily get out of
hand and result in another uprising. All
other religious or secular groups tolerated by the Roman Empire were controlled
by central governing bodies, (i.e., for the Jews there was the Sanhedrin) who
was held responsible for keeping the peace among its members or culture. These
trouble making and bourgeoning Christian sects had no controlling hierarchy
which was answerable to the Empire for taking responsibility for the friction
breaking out between the growing number of “churches.”
During most of this 300-year period, Christians had been on
the “okay-to-persecute-list” by the Roman Empire which kept most of the Christ
Followers activities underground, except for occasions when physical conflicts
erupted. Constantine made an attempt to
bring peace to the scene by co-enacting the Edict of Toleration in 311CE, in
the hope that this would reduce the friction between the religious and zealot
groups of Christians and bring them out into the open. Obviously, this did not
have the effect he had hoped for.
Fourteen years later, in 325CE, Constantine ordered
representatives of each of the Christ Followers groups to meet in an ecumenical
Council in Nicaea for the purpose of organizing a common leadership and
governing body, and to reconcile all of the letters and documents being used by
the 300+ “churches” as their authority and literature. The result of this
mandated meeting was to establish a quasi-political/religious headquarters of
the Christ-Followers, not in Jerusalem or Israel, but in Rome. That was like establishing the headquarters of
an organization dedicated to the perpetual memory of Dr. Martin Luther King and
locating it in Canada. How much sense
would that make?
After spending several years filtering through and editing
all of the many letters and documents used by each of the 300+ “churches” in
attendance at the Council of Nicaea, they settled on 27 documents which were
canonized as the authentic history for all of Christ Following groups. All of this was constructed 300 years after
the death of a legend, by people who had for the past 300 years, been arguing and
conflicted about the truth of a history that existed only in fragments. There
were to be several more succeeding Council get-togethers for the purpose of
“fine tuning” the story of who Jesus was. Questions were discussed and decided
upon subjects such as: “Was Jesus human or divine?”; “Are any of the Miracles
reported over the past hundreds of years real?”; “Was Mary a Virgin after
Jesus’ birth?”; “Were the brothers and sisters of Jesus born of the Virgin
Mary, or were they half-siblings from Joseph’s first marriage?” “The selection
of dates for celebrating events.” Etc.
After the Council of Nicaea, Constantine had a central
agency responsible for the control and behavior of the Christ-followers. And,
with them out in the open instead of underground, they would be easier to monitor
and control.
The United States has existed a mere 240 years and was founded
on distinctive documents and letters from the very beginning. Yet, we still
experience a diversity of opinion concerning the intention and translation of
these documents. The Council convened in
Nicaea in 325CE by the Roman Emperor, 300 years after events that purportedly
was the reason for their existence, had no first hand witnesses to testify. All
they had were exaggerated oral stories and pieces of letters and documents from
questionable sources, fragments from which to compile a common guiding edict,
300 years after the fact, which was then arbitrarily declared inerrant.
Two forces have controlled mankind since we became a life
form, Chiefs, and Shaman. One became a decision maker and ruler by popularity
or brute force for purposes of dispute arbitration, hunting and defense. The other became a mystic and sorcerer founded
upon human ignorance and superstitions by creating stories about supernatural
forces responsible for natural disasters such as volcanoes, earthquakes,
destructive storms, etc. Rules, Laws and
Gods have increased in number with clan size, populations, and generations.
Supernatural explanations of events were an easy sell thousands
of years ago. With today’s expansion of our knowledge bank concerning our past,
present, and future of the galaxy we share with the universe, supernatural explanations
don’t carry the same weight they once did. We have come to a century when supernatural
hypothesis of ancient manifestos that teach its adherents to accept them
unquestionably is colliding with hard facts and reality.
A reality that everything in the universe is interconnected
having a beginning and an end, Galaxies, Solar systems, Stars, Planets, flora
and fauna, Y2K, the 2012 Mayan Calendar, etc. The only things that even come
close to an eternal existence are the building blocks of which we and all
things are made, atoms. Atoms are born in the crucible fires of stars and composed
of an eternal triad which never expires or dies.
The clearest graphic I can imagine of a Creating Power of
the Universe is the Periodic Table of Elements, natural laws that have influenced
and shaped every aspect of the evolutionary course of events throughout the cosmos.
Our existence is not based on a supernatural events or fairy tales, it is based
on definable and measureable facts discovered as our growing knowledge bank
At this point in my life, I have transcended the orthodoxy
of the biblical stories of my youth. I accept these in the same literary vein
as folk tales, myths and legends as in all other cultures. I recognize the
purpose and corporate promotion of today’s congregations and religions as a
stabilizing traditional function of social interaction for the common good of
communities in which they exist. I do not accept the concept of original sin, or
a necessity for a spiritual atonement. Neither do I accept the concept of an
existence beyond this life. I do recognize the extremes of human behavior to be
either beneficial or destructive, supportive or dividing.
The quest has not ended, nor will it ever. We have not
solved the ultimate equation, but have begun to view propositions with clearer
eyes and objective minds. The curiosity of human nature will continually propel
mankind in an adventure where no one has gone before, to explore that which lies beyond our current knowledge
or reach. Religion, like art, is subjective in the eye of the beholder and exempt
from facts or reality. The clarity of truth is continually emerging by the
enlightenment of discovery and knowledge.
Any hope we may have for ourselves and our future is to live
each day as if it will be our last, as one day, it will be. When that day
arrives, the atoms of our bodies will begin a process of release whereby they become
free to join other atoms in the formation of molecules for continuing
biological life on this planet. This force of truth will continue forever.