Monday, March 31, 2014

What is Creation?

     For hundreds of centuries religions have attempted to describe and placate one or more gods. In earlier times many gods vied for the superstitions of man, a devotion that was more the result of edicts for allegiance by spiritual leaders, witch doctors or shaman. In recent times religions have refined rituals and methods for interpreting the desires and wishes of deities and have used various ancient theologies to collect an obedient assembly of followers.

     Today there are approximately 38,000 Christian denominations, sects, and cults throughout the world, each declaring their description of God as "the" truth. There are an equal number of non-Christian religions practicing as many variations and interpretations of truth as there are Christian denominations. Anyone seeking the real truth will not find it in the tangled web of theologies presented by the smorgasbord of today's religions.

     We are not alone in this journey of seeking knowledge of the nature of creation. Millions throughout history have sought answers beyond the parameters of local dogmas only to be abused, discouraged and branded as heretics by the ruling powers of religious communities. "Don't ask questions, just have faith, all you must do is believe,” have been STOP signs raised for anyone seeking answers beyond ancient texts in light of the current and growing knowledge of the universe. BELIEF is a multifaceted concept which does not require a basis in fact or truth.

     "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Faith is a hope that the stories of ancient superstitions and supernatural events are true. But which texts, if any, are true, and which gods, if any, are real?

     It isn’t faith that allows us to cross a suspension bridge, travel in an airliner, or take an express elevator to the top of the Empire State building. It is the rational confidence we have in the knowledge and experience of the designers and craftsmen who build, and the skill of the operators and pilots who drive. We have a knowledge of the strength of materials used to build, we also have a knowledge and experience that building materials decay with age; the skills and decisions of men are fallible; and natural disasters challenge whatever we do. If we are to have faith in anything, it must be the truth of creation, and it isn’t found in ancient texts.

     Deities did not write or dictate words contained in the ancient collection of written texts of men selected and assembled by a succession of Nicaean Councils to meet their political agendas. A creator of the universe would have been perfectly capable of communicating with mankind in a much clearer understanding than that which has been provided by the legends of men. Ancient texts used to describe supernatural experiences were written some 50 to 2000 years after the alleged events by creatively inspired men with a spiritual fervor producing a collection of stories and legends from many oral traditions, some beautiful, some historical, some inspiring, expressed by a very limited understanding of the nature of the universe.

     Creation has equally inspired mankind to write words of beauty, dignity, truth, both uplifting and damning, as the nature of man continues to be revealed through written expressions. Examples can be found in art, music, poetry, science, the Gettysburg Address, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, libraries filled with books, all of which are products of inspired and creative minds.

     Creation has given mankind a questioning and exploring curiosity to search, understand and know the truth of his environment and history. The more we understand and know about our past, present and future, the more we understand the character and nature of creation.

     Time does not intend that mankind should live with a mind bound by superstitions of 4,000 year old descriptions of creation, and deny the reality and existence of the magnificent universe we know today. 
Creation would not institute dissension between people by singling out one tribe to designate them as a special or "chosen" people. Creation embraces all people equally with an inspiration to treat each other in the same manner we want to be treated.

     Creation would not issue instructions or laws of deity obedience for all mankind, to a single tribe of people in only one location on a planet which was inhabited at the time by approximately 35 million people of various cultures, clans, tribes, and villages located all around the globe; nor would Creation provide a single act of salvation 200,000 years after mankind appeared on this planet.

     Creation is infinite; our time is infinitesimal. Individually we are no more than a single speck in a dynamic wave of life swelling through time. On the celestial clock we exist for only a fraction of a "tick"; life, on the other hand, continues to evolve indefinitely.

     Creation is a universe of infinite proportions so large that man cannot begin to imagine the whole of it. We see with our eyes the immensity of the heavens; we see with our Hubble and Kepler telescopes the continuing birth and death of distant stars which are reflections of our past, present and future; we learn from exploring space expeditions the nature of neighboring planets and moons. In all of this we are only able to see a fractional dimension of creation.

     Creation did not institute an eternal reward or punishment system in an afterlife. This is the product of a biological will to survive, and mankind’s desire for immorality. The gift of life is the same for all biological life forms on this planet, and we are no exception. Birth and death is the order of the universe. Everything in the universe is under the same edict, galaxies, solar systems, stars, planets, moons, all were born at some point in time and all will end (die) at another point in time. The death of these bodies will provide building material for the birth of new moons, planets, stars, solar systems and galaxies which will eventually take their place. Likewise, we will meet death one day and the material of our bodies (atoms) will be dispersed and recycled again into some other biological form to perform a new service. Everything is recycled to something new, stars, people, plants, etc.

     Deities are not genies whose eternal presence is waiting to hear man's requests and appeals for everything from health to wealth. Creation is not manipulated or bargained with; neither does it manage our individual fates. Every living thing of this planet is designed to succeed or fail on its own merit and abilities to cope with in the environment of its habitat.

     Creation does not reside in a box, statue, Temple, Cathedral, Church, or Synagogue, on special days of the week. Creation exists throughout the universe and available to all who seek truth and knowledge. Creation has provided the conditions for many forms of life to evolve on this and billions of planets much like our own throughout the universe. The third planet from our sun is not the only unique creation of multiple life forms.

     All biological organisms (flora and fauna) have an indefinable connection to each other much like all matter possess a property defined as gravity – an energy possessed by all matter throughout the universe. All biological life forms of this planet are composed of the same types of atoms (oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorous, & trace amounts of other atoms) all of which are eternal, with a genome controlled structure by an amazingly similar DNA/RNA ribbon of molecules.

     Creation began some 13.8 billion years ago in an instant birth of order and physical laws that continue to exist unchanged forever. All that is on, and in, this planet was created from the death of ancient stars and has developed over 4.5 billion years of evolution.

     Mankind will never know the full nature of creation; as the created can never know the full nature and mind of the Creator.

Creation is forever --------- and we are only briefly, now.

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