Life is a “Crap Shoot ”
Life is a just a
fractional link in the evolutionary DNA/RNA chain of time.
We had nothing to do with the initation of our existence and very little to do with the intention of our learning experiences which have resulted in who we are today. It began as the result of a chain of innate biological programs that surface when a critical maturity level is achieved and is identified as the procreation sequence of all biological species, as well as our own ancestors.
The “will to live” begins when the progeny of a biological species is able to functionally survive in the environment they are hatched or born into, whether they be seedling, hatchling, larvae, or infant. The quality and span of life of individuals or a species depends upon an ability to cope and adapt to environmental conditions. Either the individual or the species survive and thrive, or they become extinct. Between these two possibilities lies an infinite number of variations of “pauper or princes” possibilities.
The sensory system of single-cell organisms from which all biological life has descended, is necessary for survival by both flora and fauna, and are designed to detect the difference between pleasure and pain. These two divergent conditions control our learning experiences and direct choices of seeking or avoiding conditions that produce any measure of these extremes. Surprisingly, the same environmental conditions produce either pleasure or pain in both flora or fauna, i.e. climate, moisture, nourishment, opportunity to advance, opportunity to mate, etc., and favor genetic changes which are best able to seek the advantages and avoid deficiencies of these life requirements.
A simple algae is the very distant ancestor of all flora in existence today. The thousands of variations from broad palm fronds to needle like leaves, from shrubs to towering giants, to a tolerance of wet, arid, and artic conditions has been accomplished by minimal deviations of the genetic DNA/RNA reproduction through succeeding generations, directed by the pleasure and pain responses of the sensory system to conditions of this planet.
The same evolutionary process has existed for all fauna of this planet. We all had the same common beginning from a simple single-cell organism whose sensory system has directed it to grow influenced by a pleasure or pain mechanism, into the thousands of insect and animal species that exist today, influenced by; climate, moisture, nourishment, opportunity to advance, access to mate, etc. Both flora and fauna are products of, and shaped by, the physical conditions of this planet.
Four sons are born to the same parents over a twelve-year period. Each brother is different in physical appearance by the slight genetic variations of their ancestors. Their lives are different based in small part to the slight genetic variations, but more so by the sequence of experiences each has had in their progress to maturity. Even identical twins are not completely identical. There are still genetic variations, but on a much smaller scale, and although there may be similar sequences of experience, one will possess a more environmental compatibility than the other.
Individual ability to achieve a level of maturity and procreation of both flora and fauna is only possible if each personal sensory system is able to direct the individual in a path between the extremes of pleasure and pain, the basic teaching and learning tool of a successful existence. Creativity, compassion, and charity can only become a result when the sensory system experiences the dimensions of both pleasure (feeding the ego) and pain (for empathy).
The primary purpose of the existence of each generation of biological species is to extend and continue the links of the evolutionary chain. Some will continue the propagation of the species through procreation, but all have a responsibility to support and protect the evolutionary development of every species that exists today. To allow individuals or species to dominate the process by promoting its own selfish purposes (kudzu & oligarchs) is a criminal threat to the continued success of evolutionary life on this planet.
From star dust we are formed, and to star dust we shall return when our “link” in the genetic chain of life is finished.
Keith Crowe - 7/27/2019
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