Saturday, February 1, 2020

Is Blind Faith the Answer for Truth?

Is Blind Faith the Answer for Truth?

Keith Crowe

“… if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

A parable found only in the Christian text, which did not exist until the 4th Century CE, when several “catholic” religious communities began an Empirical compelled series of Council meetings beginning in Nicea, and renamed itself the “Roman Catholic Church,” and is subject to the same scrutiny for “truth” as any other of the thousands of religious texts.  Faith does not transform anything into fact or truth, nor can it change a leopard’s spots.  Faith is the mental key which allows fiction to mask reality.

Misplaced Faith can result in a very bad experience and a deeply scarred life.  Just ask the investors in Jeffrey Skilling and Kenneth Lay’s Enron Corp., or in Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC., or any of the victims of hundreds of other shady snake-oil salesmen.  Their investors were misled and lied to by people responsible for these crooked commercial corporations.  And, these are only a few of the ones we know about because they were caught cheating and stealing. How many “snakes” are still out there lying to vulnerable and fearful people.

The secular commercial world isn’t the only place people can be misled and duped by snake-oil salesmen.  MANY Evangelical churches, i.e. John Hagee’s Cornerstone Ministries, Jim Baker TV Ministries, Jesse Duplantis Ministries, Joel Osteen of Lakewood Church Ministries, and many more, are tax exempt, family owned CORPORATIONS who answer to no one outside of their family circle regarding corporate financial matters.  Many live in Gated and Protected Communities in mansions complete with servants and chauffeured limousines, and own multiple (congregation financed) private jets, and enjoy numerous “mission trips” to the playgrounds of the rich and famous.  Although those listed represent only a small number of a much larger religious extreme, they are by no means alone in the business of religious brand businesses and competition.

Religions claim that it only takes an “act” of faith to believe and accept their tenets and promises.  However, a threat with vivid descriptions of an eternal punishment that awaits non-believers in an unavoidable afterlife can be an effective incentive to encourage acts of faith.  Why is this even believable?  With thousands of religions competing for a commitment to their order, how can anyone determine what is truth and who is a true god?  Has there ever been a “mountain moved from here to there” in the history of the world?

One might say that a mustard sized seed of faith worked for the 16 terrorists who were responsible for thousands of deaths on 9/11, but the mustard seed sized faith didn’t work for the thousands of victims who were desperately praying for rescue from an obvious fate in their hour of despair.  Neither has a mustard sized faith or prayers worked for the thousands of innocent men, women and children who were victims of religious promoted wars producing atrocities in the Holocaust, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar, Africa, China, North Korea, etc. – who faithfully pray to sleeping gods to “move the mountain” and rescue them from persecution and death.

If “prayer” was as effective and focused as many religions claim with prayer meetings, prayer warriors, prayer teams, etc., we wouldn’t need half as many Medical Centers specializing in maladies and diseases of every organ of the sick and dying, as there now are in every major city in America.  We just would not need this many healers if prayer and faith could do it for us.  Consequently, in the face of health disasters over which we have no control, we resort to ancient superstitions and fears who turn to supernatural powers that do not exist, for help in our times of need.

Faith springs eternal not only in every mustard seed, but in all the seeds of every organic life form of nature in the universe.  They all have faith that they will have a future to complete their purpose of existence.

However, not all will be successful.  Some seeds will fall by the wayside and the birds will devour them, others will fall among tares and thorns to be choked to death, some will fall on rocky ground with no soil to take root, and some will fall in prepared and fertile ground with support and encouragement to grow strong and succeed in accomplishing its purpose in life, to support the perpetuation of the species.

Nature exists and succeeds only by a constant struggle to live through cycles of Life.  Cycles that are measured in hours for mayflies; seasons for leaves, flowers and fruit; years for mammals; and centuries for giant sequoias.  Nothing exists or lives trouble free, it’s just that some life forms have more struggles than others.  There is nothing fair about the struggles for life.

Honeybee hives, termite and ant mounds may exist for years, although worker bees, termites, and ants may live only for weeks, depending upon weather and foraging conditions.  The queen of each species may live and continue to produce workers for several years.  For each, there is a continuous struggle to survive and remain useful.  When the queens become aged, a few of their newly birthed larva are fed a “royal jelly” which causes them to grow into new queens, and others are fed a different royal goop that causes them to grow into drones (males) for the purpose of mating with the new and emergent queens, who immediately set to work attempting to create a new colony, usually in a new location.  Rarely do they take over the colony from which they were born.

Inside jungles and forests, the struggle for life exists in much of the same way.  The tallest and most successful vegetation and trees produce most of the fruit and seeds that fall to the floor.  If the fruit or seeds are not consumed by animals, and when conditions are right the seeds germinate and become fledgling plants to begin the struggle to reach for sunlight from above and necessary moisture from the surrounding soils.  If the canopy is too dense, many plants never receive the necessary amount of sunlight and therefore never make it to maturity.  Eventually, holes are made in the canopy when an older tree is damaged or dies and falls to the floor, opening a hole for sunlight to penetrate to the floor and benefit the fledgling plants.

This delicate balance in the struggle for life has existed and succeeded for billions of years.  Until now.  The greed and proliferation of mankind has upset the delicate balance of this garden planet.

The world is in a critical crisis of continuing to be the garden it became billions of years ago.  The only creature responsible for this crisis is mankind.  If mankind were suddenly eliminated from the equation, the world could heal itself and continue to be the garden it once was.  How is this healing possible if mankind cannot be totally removed from this planet, you ask?  As the density of mankind increases, we become more susceptible to contagious microorganisms who can survive extreme climates and lay dormant for centuries until there is an optimum opportunity to awaken and continue their struggle to survive, thereby reducing the numbers of everything, including mankind.

Fewer numbers of mankind will reduce the demands for “sport hunting and trophy collecting;” over production of meat products by inhumane conditions; destroying forests to raise profitable grains to feed increasing numbers of animals for mankind to eat; and requiring less fossil fuels and their related emissions that continue to diminish the quality of the magic atmosphere that once existed to support the evolution and creation of life.  In short, without mankind (or a significant reduction of the same), this world could easily heal itself.

Faith can’t do it, prayer can’t do it; increasing the numbers of mankind won’t do it; increasing the numbers of religions who rely on supernatural spirits won’t do it.  And, we are not capable of reducing our own numbers.  So, what is left are infectious microorganisms to thin the ranks and numbers of people who have done nothing more than to be in the wrong place at the right time to allow opportunity for microorganisms to thrive through social interaction of mankind.

I have faith that if, or when, mankind becomes aware of the desperate and critical conditions necessary to reverse the destructive path we have created, the earth can and will succeed beyond our wildest dreams to become a garden planet once again.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sad to report the passing of my brother, Richard Keith Crowe, age 83, healthy and strong, except for the cancer that took him early this morning. Here were some of his last musings:

    "I am now in my 84th year and have considered myself lucky to have lived during this period in history. A period when universal knowledge has made huge strides in sciences, archeology, anthropology, technology, etc., increasingly benefiting average laymen in understanding the World we live in.

    "When my life is ended, the memory of me (my personality, character or spirit) will live on in the minds of people who knew me until they die - then I will be no more. The material (atoms) that is currently used to compose my functioning mind and body will be reabsorbed back into the environment and reused in the construction of other biological life forms."
